Social media effect on teenagers

Social media addiction is a growing concern among youngsters. Teenagers are found to be active all day long ignoring the life just around them. Without their own knowledge they have been absorbed by the internet applications that provide them with all the information- both necessary and unnecessary.

According to the data from a survey conducted among teenagers, 9 out of 10 people are active in Whatsapp andFacebook. Parents and psychiatrists feel it is a growing concern and there has to be an end to this addiction.

People among the age group of 13 to 20 are found logged in their accounts all day long. They claim to have various whatsapp groups including their school and college groups where they receive almost all the information. All their home works and assignments are being passed on through these groups which makes it hard for them to shut their phones even for a short while.

Social media addiction is a problem that almost all the teenagers of this age face. Even though it has got its own advantages, social media is very addicting and distracts youngsters from achieving heights.


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